Study Driven Faith

About SDF

 Study Driven Faith is the result of many years of Biblical research. The founders of Study Driven Faith wanted to provide a safe place for people to discuss matters pertaining to the Christian faith. As such, Study Driven Faith is an open community designed to encourage and strengthen those who want to become more Christ-like day-by-day.

The accuracy of the Biblical teachings on this website are important. As such, we make every effort to ensure that the teachings are the best that they can be. However, we recognize that we will never perfectly understand, much less perfectly teach, the Bible. Study Driven Faith is about the never-ending quest to know more so that we can live better for God and His Kingdom. Join us on this exciting journey through the Scriptures!

A few disclaimers about Study Driven Faith:

  • This website does not specifically endorse or support any ministry, church, denomination, sect, or group over another.
  • Each article, audio teaching, or video teaching expresses the opinion of the author alone.
  • This website and the materials contained herein are not designed to hurt, defame, or injure anyone. Our desire is to teach the Bible as accurately and practically as we can. If you differ in opinion from what is published here, let us know and open a dialogue with us. We’d love to hear from you!

We are all seeking to understand God more fully and completely. One of the goals of life is to draw closer to God and become more Christ-like day by day. Our mission here at Study Driven Faith is to help you on your quest to be the best you can be for God.